• LIFT-qurbani-September-2015

Ramadan 1445 AH/2024 CE – a month of giving

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AlHamduAllah, we are so thankful for our supporters and volunteers for their generosity. This Ramadan we distributed iftar packages, sponsored community iftar for entire month, distributed fidya, supplied zakat-ul-fitr and sadaqa to elders... READ MORE


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Alhamdullah September 3, 2023, a new masjid in Mnazi Mmoja was opened less than 2 years after opening of a madressa at the same location.  Three weeks after opening, we found ground water. ... READ MORE

EID-UL-ADHA Qurbani/Udhiya 1444 AH (2023 CE)

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AlhamduAllah, LIFT distributed 29 cows in Kilwa Kivinje on behalf of supporters in the United States, Malaysia, U.K. and Turkey.  Eight masjids in Kilwa Kivinje received cows and distributed meat to their communities. ... READ MORE


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AlhamduAllah November 22, 2022 LIFT opened a new madressa on Mtanda Hill in Lindi town. JazakAllahuKhahir to all the donors who made this happen. Click Here: Opening Day READ MORE