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The LIFT Management Team met for the first time January 5th. The Team is comprised of Chairpersons of each of LIFTs Committees. As much as we would like to jump right in to project work, we are taking a measured approach to optimize our chances of success. Being a new organization, we are taking an approach that small wins are better than large failures. Each Chairperson was given the task to have its first meeting with his or her respective team. Then, each committee will begin writing its 2014 goals. Each goal must link to one of LIFT’s overall objectives, in other words, our mission and vision. When the Management Team reconvenes in March, InshaAllah (God Willing), each team will have defined its 2014 goals, including the resources needed, the due date, the risks, and how success will be measured for each of its goals.

The LIFT Management Team met for the first time January 5th. The Team is comprised of Chairpersons of each of LIFTs Committees. As much as we would like to jump right in to project work, we are taking a measured approach to optimize our chances of success. Being a new organization, we are taking an approach that small wins are better than large failures. Each Chairperson was given the task to have its first meeting with his or her respective team. Then, each committee will begin writing its 2014 goals. Each goal must link to one of LIFT's overall objectives, in other words, our mission and vision. When the Management Team reconvenes in March, InshaAllah (God Willing), each team will have defined its 2014 goals, including the resources needed, the due date, the risks, and how success will be measured for each of its goals. First Meeting