Sadaqa Distribution-Village of Matapwa

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About two weeks ago we learned of a baby whose mother died in childbirth. His father distraught disappeared after an apparent nervous breakdown. The young couple, the baby’s parents, used to make a living digging on people’s farm. The grandmother walked, with the 1 month child, more than 50 miles to town with the baby looking for help as she could not afford to buy milk for the baby. Once she reached town, and thanks to the Chair of LIFT’s Membership Committee, she was given money for two cans of powdered milk and transportation home. A few days earlier, we received a donation to be targeted for an orphan. Yesterday, we looked for the orphan with only the name of the grandmother and the name of the village. We went with the Chair of the LIFT MembershipCommittee and a nurse who is a member of LIFT’s Health Committee.

At about the same time, we received money for sadaqa/charity for 5 sheep. The location of the orphan’s village is near where some members of the Sukuma Tribe have settled. The Sukuma tribe is known for owning large herds of cows, sheep, and goats. We made arrangements to buy the sheep. One of LIFT’s members, the headmaster of the primary school for prison staff children near the Sukuma village, went to the Sukuma family compound and prepared the meat ahead of our visit. We took the meat to the same village that the orphan child lives.