From Mnazi Mmoja, Lindi

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The Work Continues

Thanks to those who supported Sadeqah Jariyah Mnazi Mmoja Islamic Learning Center project, Mnazi Mmoja is bustling. AlhamduAllah the madressa opened in March 2022.

The success of the project has motivated others to contribute to the ummaah in Mnazi Mmoja. This Ramadan, thanks to a generous Muslimah, a community iftar is offered at the center each evening.  And, equally amazing, an anonymous donor is sponsoring the construction of a masjid on the expanded plot next to the madressa.  Truly this month of Ramadan is a blessing for the community where just 2 years ago we broke ground for the madressa. The community is grateful and prays for those who made this a reality.


The Work Continues



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